Isokern Chimney Systems
If you’re looking for a reliable and durable chimney system for your home, consider Isokern Pumice Chimney Systems. From the volcanic ash of Iceland, Isokern Pumice Chimneys are created with an exceptional grade of lightweight pumice that is naturally fireproof and insulated. Plus, these systems are designed to be easy to install and maintain.
Isokern Pumice Chimneys are a great alternative to existing liners and systems. Unlike traditional metal liners, which are susceptible to rust and corrosion, Isokern Pumice won't warp or corrode over time due to its high heat resistance. Additionally, the lightweight pumice material requires less structural support than traditional masonry chimney systems, which can help reduce labour costs.
Isokern's Double Module system is an especially popular option for homeowners looking for an efficient and effective chimney system. This system is comprised of two modular components: an inner liner made of lightweight pumice blocks with an outer liner made using the same great Pumice The combination of these two elements creates a double-wall insulation that helps improve the flue's performance and efficiency.
Isokern also offers a range of other products, including their Garden Fireplaces which are perfect for outdoor entertaining areas. These fireplaces are composed of modular components with pre-engineered components that make installation easy and efficient. Plus, these fireplaces provide superior function for outdoor areas while still remaining aesthetically pleasing with their modern design.
Overall, Isokern Pumice Chimney Systems are a great option for anyone looking for reliable and durable chimney systems at an affordable price point. The lightweight pumice material used in these systems provides superior insulation and fireproofing as well as improved flue performance. Plus, Isokern offers a range of other products such as their Garden Fireplaces that make it easy to enjoy outdoor entertaining areas year-round.
Isokern Also have a great app to help you choose the right product for you
Isokern Chimney Notice Plate
130696 Chimney notice plate for the Isokern Pumice range
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Isokern Collar for cut joints- all diameters
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Isokern Light Expanded Clay Aggregate 130769
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Isokern Liner Support Blocks - All flue diameters
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Isokern Lip Glue
Isokern Lip Glue
130771 Isokern Lip glue adhesive for pumice chimney systems
5kg bag
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Isokern Magnum 500 Firechest
Isokern Magnum 500 Firechest
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Isokern Pumice 150mm Chimney Liner Pack 4.8 Metres
Isokern Pumice 150mm Chimney Liner Pack 4.8 Metres
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Isokern Pumice 150mm Chimney Liner Pack 6.0 Metres
Isokern Pumice 150mm Chimney Liner Pack 6.0 Metres
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Isokern Pumice 150mm Chimney Liner Pack 7.2 Metres
Isokern Pumice 150mm Chimney Liner Pack 7.2 Metres
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Isokern Pumice 150mm Chimney Liner Pack 9.0 Metres
Isokern Pumice 150mm Chimney Liner Pack 9.0 Metres
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Isokern Pumice 175mm ( 7") Chimney Liner Pack 6.0 Metres
Isokern Pumice 175mm ( 7") Chimney Liner Pack 6.0 Metres
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Isokern Pumice 175mm ( 7") Chimney Liner Pack 7.2 Metres
Isokern Pumice 175mm ( 7") Chimney Liner Pack 7.2 Metres
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